Digital Photo Math

Digital photography is a wonderful technology to use in K-8 math. Not only is it fun and motivating, but when well used, it can really enhance learning! Explore these resources and start planning your own digital photography math projects now!

A Counting Photo Book
Have students make their own photo counting books.

What is Geometry?
This is another math book project designed to help students see geometry in the world around them.

Pattern Photo Books
This primary grade activity encourages students to develop patterns and share them in their own photo books.

Our Math Trail
Elementary/Middle School
"The project is based on a concept presented in the National Math Trail website (see “Tools and Resources”). Students are given a list of grade-appropriate math concepts. Working in small groups, students walk around campus and use a digital camera to take several photos that they can use for math problems related to the concepts on the list."

Shapes around Us
Students take photos of shapes in their world.

Estimation and Central Tendency
8th Grade
A lesson that uses digital camera, computer, power point, and calculators.

Searching for Angles and Lines
Grades 6-8
Students use photography to identify angles and lines.

Symmetry and Geometric Shapes
Grades 6-8
Students use digital photography and PowerPoint presentations in this lesson.

Fun with Fractions
Grades 2-8
Students use digital photography and imaging software to demonstrate their understanding of fractions.

Pics4Learning Math Lesson Plans
Look toward the bottom of the page for a series of math lesson plans using digital photos.

Calendar Creations about the Civil War (yes, this is a math lesson!)
Grade 8
A creative lesson using various forms of technology and digital photos that has students analyzing data in multiple ways.

Math Lessons
Find a variety of math lessons that use digital photos and other technology.

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This page was made by Marilyn Eggers, Ph.D. for La Sierra University School of Education's Curriculum and Instruction Department and was last updated on May 30, 2008.