Developmentally young children should spend lots of time using concrete manipulatives long before they use virtual ones. But manipulatives are not just for young children! They can be very helpful for students of all ages to understand concepts in concrete ways.
Pattern Blocks
Pattern blocks can be useful to not only teach a number sense but also fractions and algebra, too.
Virtual Base-10 Blocks
Try out this online version of these great manipulative's! Lesson plans and program directions are included. The links to these are at the bottom of the page.
Base-10 Blocks
This another virtual base-10 block java-based program. This one is not as sophisticated as the other, but it may be perfect for beginning students.
NCTM's Interactive Tools (Marco Polo's Illuminations)
This site includes the following tools and many, many more:
Educational Java Programs
You will find many programs here.
Virtual Abacus
This is a traditional abacus with some great abacus "how-to" resources.
3-D Tic Tac Toe
Another 3D Tic Tac Toe
Math Search
A computational "word search" type game.
Snowflake Fractal Generator
Have students create their own fractals.
This is an electronic version of an ancient game or "wisdom puzzle."
Racing Game with One Die
"This applet allows the user to simulate a race where the results are based
on the roll of a die. The user can determine which player moves forward for
a given roll, and can then experiment with the race by determining which player
will win more often based on the rules that they specify. The rolling of a die
is one example of probability."
Java Math Games
There are a variety of games here.
A Maths Dictionary for Kids
This interactive dictionary let's kids experiment with the concept for each word.
Arcademic Skill Builders
These free games are for math and language arts.
"This activity allows the user to generate a polygon that will repeat without
overlapping across a plane. Starting from a rectangle, triangle or hexagon, the
user bends the lines of the polygon, creating a new polygon. The user can
choose several different colors to enhance the pattern, and can observe the
different effects that colors have on tessellations."
Triangle Explorer
"This applet allows users to study the nature of triangles and their
area. It draws random triangles on a Cartesian coordinate system. The
user can determine the area of the triangle using his or her preferred
method. After the calculated area is entered into the input box, the
applet will tell the user if s/he has the correct answer. Hints are
available to help the user find the correct answer, if necessary."
Squaring the Triangle
"This applet allows users to explore right triangles and the Pythagorean
Theorem. The applet can also be used to explore the angle measurements
of triangles."
Surface Area and Volume
"This activity allows the user to manipulate three-dimensional
polyhedra to experiment with surface area and volume."
Another Hilbert Curve Generator
"This activity allows the user to show how changing the generator slightly in a line replacement fractal can have a significant impact on the final product. This activity should be tried after A Hilbert Curve Activity for comparison purposes."
Chaos Game
"This activity allows the user to play the chaos game with a choice of
number of vertices."
Fractal Dimensions
"This activity allows the user to calculate the fractal dimension of a
series of regular fractals without access to a calculator. It is not
necessary to understand logs to use this activity."
Fractured Pictures
"This activity allows the user to generate interesting, irregular fractals."
Flake Maker
"This activity allows the user to build custom line deformation fractals."
Fraction Pointer
"This activity allows the user to visually experiment with the relationship between
the value of fractions and areas within a square or a circle. The user is asked to both
recreate given fractions and supply original numbers as well." There are also tutorials for mentors/teachers under "What," "How," and "Why."
Fraction Finder
"This activity allows the user to visually experiment with the relationship between
the value of fractions and areas within a square or a circle. The user is asked to both
recreate given fractions and supply original numbers as well." There are also tutorials for mentors/teachers under "What," "How," and "Why."
Fraction Sorter
"This activity allows the user to enhance their skills working with
fractions by first making fractions by cutting squares or circles into
parts (this correlates with the denominator) and then coloring in the
correct portions (this correlates to the numerator). They then place
these fractions in order from least to greatest."
Fraction Four
"This activity allows the user to practice simplifying, converting, multiplying decimals, percentages and fractions."
Estimator Four
"This activity allows two users to play a game of estimation where each player tries to connect four game pieces in a row before his or her opponent does. The players earn game pieces by accurately estimating the answers to various problems. Users can choose to estimate addition, multiplication, and percentage problems."