Technology & Young Children

Have you ever been told that someone's three-year old knows more about using computers than you do? People are often impressed with how easily some young children use computers and other media. Many children have electronic media in their bedrooms, and media is just a way of life for them. But is this healthy for young children? Below are some resources on technology and young children that may change your mind on what is cool and what isn't!

Zero to Six: Electronic Media in the Lives of Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers
This fall 2003 Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation research report has some shocking information. All the survey data and responses are included at the end of the report.

Technology & Young Children
This NAEYC site has lots of information including this article, "Technology and young children: What parents should know: Technology in Early Childhood Programs" (1996).

Technology in Early Childhood Education: Finding the Balance
"The issue is sometimes presented as a simple question: Should my students, my children, use computers or not? While this question is valid the issues are broader and more complex. Computers are already in homes and classrooms, and young children are using them. The more useful question is, What are appropriate and meaningful uses of technology with children? And, since technology is being used, how can educators take advantage of the power of these tools to enhance children's learning and development, while avoiding potential problems?"

Technology in Early Childhood Education
"Connecting technology with the way young children learn: resources and information for educators and care providers." This is an excellent Northwest Educational Technology Consortium web site.

How to guard against health problems in the computer lab: Ergonomics 101
by Julie Rasicot
Electronic School

How Young is Too Young? When it comes to computer use, reasonable people disagree.
by Kathleen Vail

Technology in Schools: To Support the System or Render It Obsolete
by Seymour Papert

Using Technology in the Early Childhood Classroom
by Kimberly Moore Kneas, Ph.D. and Bruce D. Perry, M.D., Ph.D.

The Truth about Television
by Lawrence Kelemen
Abridged from the "Television" chapter in "To Kindle a Soul."

Performance Indicators for Technology-Literate Students: Grades PreK-2
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)

Dialogue on Early Childhood Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education
This site has a host of excellent articles on these topics.

The Internet and young children
NAEYC (1998) tips on how to use the Internet with young children.

Kids Included through Technology are Enriched (KITE): A Technology Training for Teacher and Parents of Young Children.

Suggested Software
Early Childhood Technology Literacy Project
This is a pretty good list of developmental software.

Professional development that includes links to video clips to show children doing what they are talking about.

Instant Video Revisiting: The Video Camera as a "Tool of the Mind" for Young Children

Media Awareness Network
MNet is a Canadian non-profit organization that has been pioneering the development of media literacy programs since its incorporation in 1996.

Kids Net
“KIDSNET helps children, families and educators intelligently access the educational opportunities available from television, radio and multimedia sources. KIDSNET does this by encouraging media literacy in children and a commitment to educational excellence in broadcasters.” KIDSNET also has a media philosophy.

Electronic Media: TV, Videos, Computers, and More
Short article from Zero to Three.

Literacy - The Early Childhood Literacy Network
"The LiteracyCenter.Net serves more than a million free literacy lessons a month to children in 141 countries. It provides safe learning activities for parents and teachers to share with young children. All online lessons are free of advertising and free of charge."

Computer Ergonomics for Elementary School
"Computer Ergonomics is about things that you can do to make working on a computer more comfortable and better for your body. For example, wearing a bike helmet when riding a bike and a seatbelt when riding in a car are two simple things that you do to be safe. The Computer Ergonomics for Elementary School Students (CergoS) Web site will show you some simple and affordable ways to make sure that your body is safe and comfortable while using a computer."

Ergonomics for Children & Educational Environments (ECEE)
This site includes research and recommendations for setting up computers to be used by children. There are plenty of pictures to demonstrate the guidelines.
"This is THE website for educators, parents, and others wanting to stay up-to-date on what's coming out of neuropsychology research as it pertains to education. Don't just learn about brain imaging studies - find out how to apply them in your classroom and at home!"

Learner, Language, and Technology: Making Connections That Support Literacy
This report includes a chapter on the appropriate use of technology to support literacy. (NETC)

Five Effective Ways for Young Children to Use Technology
This brochure gives great ideas for teachers to use in the classroom. (NETC)

Tech Tips for Tots
This article includes cautions and tips for using technology with young children.

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This page was made by Marilyn Eggers, Ph.D. for La Sierra University School of Education's Curriculum and Instruction Department and was last updated on May 30, 2008.